Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Should We Make Tonight?

Every time Casey gets a break from tour, he usually stops by the Sherman Oaks compound here for a couple days so that we can do some cooking while we catch up on all of the various internet-related phenomena that is absolutely essential we both know about. You know how it goes.

The other day, we couldn't decide what to make, but I knew I wanted pasta, and Casey wanted something involving artichoke hearts. It's not exactly a homegrown Iron Chef story, but I essentially went about making homemade pesto fusilli, and Casey sauteed chicken and some marinated spring vegetables with artichoke hearts. Then, we just threw everything into a giant pot and stirred it together... and it was awesome. Awesome enough that I had to retroactively document the ingredients - unfortunately I'd had a couple of gin and tonics and had lost my space-management abilities, so it's not as elegantly documented as I might like. Specifically, I wrote the recipe backwards, and parts of it don't really make sense. Maybe one day I'll do the internet a favor and type it up, even though I'm sure someone on Epicurious thought of this years ago.

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