Saturday, February 3, 2007

Mundane Basketball Names Restated

If you ever play the video game NBA Street, you're familiar with the ground-swell to create more entertaining basketball nicknames. We've created an entire 12-man roster* of obscure and curious basketball nicknames, should I ever decide to coach a team and have the final say in naming rights. This is a bit of a tangent from the term redifinition project, but we'll get back on track soon enough.

Starting 5
The Skillet
Tough Juice
Homeland Security
Dr. Hoops

King Sir
Cotton Gin
Bill "The Filabuster" Flennington**
Side Arm
The Human PiƱata
Poor Man's Isaiah Thomas
Thumbs McMurtry

* names have pending copyright protection.
** not to be confused with mid-90's Bulls center Bill Wennington.(pictured above).

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