Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"At night I shall dream of more labor"

I haven't forgotten that this blog exists, even if the rest of the internet has. Somehow I've gotten over 500 page views in the last month, which is ridiculous.

I continue to walk the Earth in Los Angeles, cultivating a lifestyle of mild social anxiety and maintaining extracurricular interests that are equal parts compelling, insane and depressing, though none are compelling,  insane or depressing enough to detail on the internet. You can't just put anything you want on the internet.

I just broke out my Cometbus Omnibus, which will unquestionably jolt me in the direction of writing a couple of aimless blog entries, possibly more depending on how my mind responds this time around. Normally I like to blame my failings of consistent writings on my job but, to be honest, my job hardly occupies the entirely of my brain, and it certainly doesn't satiate my consistent and burning desire to compose sentences rife with comma splices and references to myself.

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