Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Bringing Elitism Back

I haven't skirted the limits of blogger in at least a year, maybe two. I don't really remember, because there was a sordid affair with a platform referred commonly to as "Buzznet" for a while, but I assure you that I'm over that. Not that it wasn't a good time, and that breesays isn't a celebrity in her own right.

More importantly, I've just really missed writing. I haven't written for Alternative Press in nearly a year (ironically I finally just recently started getting the magazine for free a couple of months ago) and, it's hard to believe, but we're coming up on the 3-year anniversary of the end of

No subject matter is taboo here, however bear in mind that nothing is terribly important either. I seem to recall that I mostly wrote about basketball terms that were hilarious to me and reviewed crappy emo records in haiku form, so I can't really say my contributions to the internet over the last three years haven't been anything more than cholesterol build-up.

See you guys later. And by "you guys," I mean the three people I might actually send this link to until I'm ready to commit to this for real.

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