Thursday, November 9, 2006

Ten-Second Show Review

Any sense of eloquence or flow fails me this evening. I have a midterm in the morning.

Minus the Bear put on a sensational live show. Dave Knudsen is probably the most underrated musician to come out of Seattle in the last ten years. He's managed to raise the proverbial bar in two entirely different genres between Botch and Minus the Bear, and his playing style is nearly impossible to replicate. They're supposed to be releasing a bunch of remixes from Menos El Oso this year... I'd rather they just put out a new record.

P.O.S. has come a long way since he did a half-hour set on our stage a few years ago. He's now a fully-functional indie-rap operation (his 5-gig ipod has been replaced with an actual DJ), although he continues to throw in some incredible a capella sequences that were the original reason I began to enjoy his music. He coaxed a room full of 800 "impatient hipsters" (his words) to almost unanimously nod in approval by the end of his allotted hour. has a bunch of live videos from earlier this year (and surprisingly the sound quality doesn't suck). I wish his actual albums were better...

The Velvet Teen and Russian Circles also played. I didn't watch (although I highly recommend checking out the Velvet Teen for a less masturbatory version of the Mars Volta).

Minus The Bear - The Game Needed Me

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