Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Paranoia and Pharmaceutical Reviews

After going from 1997 through 2005 without taking any over-the-counter medication (other than the occasional Nyquil blast), I can now safely say that, while it's fun to hit your chest and listen to whatever evil spirits acid reflux had conjured up just dissolve (the grammar in this sentence really is in a rapid downward spiral), Prilosec OTC is a must have if you've adopted a lifestyle that involves 40-60 ounces of coffee every morning.

I'm not entirely sure why so many hits to ebay come up when you search Google Images for Prilosec. Maybe I could be turning the 7 bucks I spend at Ralph's into easily 9 or 10.

Lagwagon - Mr. Coffee

An overly suspicious friend of mine strongly believes that, while the Democrats' recent victory may be good in the short term, the election was all simply part of "the plan," and that voting in most states was actually rigged. He then lent me a book called Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs, which presents evidence that the Illuminati and Freemasons really do control all world events. I'm naturally dismissive of these all-encompassing secret society conspiracy theories, but you have no idea how badly I want to believe that there's a one world order meeting in an underground hideout in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic planning the path of the globe for the next thousand years. The book gets a little absurd when Marrs begins to travel down the "aliens developed the Mesopotamian civilizations" path, but I suppose you can't say for sure unless you were actually there. All I know is the Babylonians brought us Gilgamesh, and I didn't like it.

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