Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golden Gate Park or Myst Island?

It smells like burnt weed here, if you need a hint. Apparently, for some unshowered-looking dude about 20 yards from us, this amazing view is not an acceptable anti-drug.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Finger's Best Pac-Man Impression

I left a rather artistically-appealing trail of blood between my apartment and the CVS on Ventura, but I didn't take a picture because I'm pretty sure Jacob Bannon has probably already done that at some point. Now I know how all those morons on Chopped feel when they hack off a digit or two trying to mince banana leather or zebra liver or whatever obscure ingredient they're forced to cook.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I Got Iced on New Year's Eve

Does that mean my upcoming year is going to involve an abundance of offensively over-sweetened wine coolers? Is that how that works? I think I was asleep by midnight. Also, you're welcome for not posting a picture of me being forced against my will to drink a lukewarm Smirnoff Ice.

Baby Eric, barely two months old, made his partying debut with a fury, though I think I'm more impressed with Dan's ability to rep three sports teams at the same time. I'm not sure what the hat is, but I just assume it's sportsy.