Thursday, December 28, 2006

Coming Soon

I don't want to give anything away, but foreshadowing can be effective, so interpret this post as you may. You'll be wrong, but it's cool - at least it got you thinking. I'll be back this weekend.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Flashbacks In Lieu Of New Material

Date: 11-22-2004

n0carri3r: you and i need to do a joint feature of the top 20 breakdowns of all time
kevwad: yes
kevwad: i'm way down
kevwad: a-ha has to make top 5
n0carri3r: and if that's popular we can move on to the more controversial top 20 squeals of all time
n0carri3r: dude!
n0carri3r: a ha!
kevwad: hahaha
n0carri3r: start making a list of any good ones and we'll just keep adding as we think of them
n0carri3r: then we'll refine it down
kevwad: we can, for sentimental purposes, place the san diego breakdown as an honorable mention
n0carri3r: i'm down
n0carri3r: do we have any pictures from that tragedy?
kevwad: unfortunately i don't think so
kevwad: man we slept on the street that night too
n0carri3r: all of the others on the list would have links to mp3s of the breakdown, and the san diego breakdown could just have a link to our journal entry from then
n0carri3r: yeah we did
kevwad: haha, good idea
n0carri3r: woah, deja vu
n0carri3r: and the weird part is i had deja vu of having deja vu of this moment
n0carri3r: weird...
kevwad: hahahaha
n0carri3r: any idea why you have a water droplet next to your name on my buddy list?

* * *

n0carri3r: i'm gonna run to the bathroom
kevwad: mmmk
n0carri3r: hopefully nobody takes computer
kevwad: haha
n0carri3r: if i start talking shit, it's not me
kevwad: haha okay
kevwad: if i start talking shit, it is me
n0carri3r: typical

Tie Me Up To The Radiator

My blog is officially being neglected. It's finals time. Sorry guys.